Guillermo Morera
My name is Guillermo Morera, and I am originally from Argentina but have been residing in Uruguay for approximately ten years. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Biology at the National University of Córdoba, specializing in the taxonomy and ecology of wood-degrading fungi.
Upon moving to Uruguay, I continued to deepen my expertise in taxonomy and systematics, this time focusing on medicinal fungi (such as Ganoderma) under the supervision of Dr. Sandra Lupo at the Faculty of Sciences, University of the Republic. Simultaneously, I was hired to work in various areas, including wine improvement through the selection of native yeasts and phytopathological studies, among others.
Driven by an integrative interest and in response to a growing social wave, I proposed a project to rediscover the diversity of psilocybin-producing fungi in Uruguay and determine their alkaloid content. This is the focus of my Ph.D. project, which is being conducted collaboratively between the Faculty of Sciences (with Dr. Sandra Lupo) and the Faculty of Chemistry (with Dr. Ignacio Carrera), who are my supervisors. The goal of this work is not only to explore the currently uncharted diversity but also to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships and investigate new methods for determining tryptamines.
As Time Goes By: The Impact of Drying and Preservation Methods on Mushroom’s Tryptamine Content